
9 hours

Live Event

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DAY 1 - Wednesday 4 September
9.00 a 9.20 hs.
Welcome and Opening Speech
9.20 a 9.35 hs.
Ribbon Cutting and Exhibition Tour
9.35 a 10.00 hs.
General Overview. Annual Wind Report: Global Trends, Latin-American Markets and Wind Power in Argentina
10.00 a 10.30 hs.
Conversation with Sebastian Kind, Under-secretary of Renewable Energies
10.30 a 10.45 hs.
Discussion with YPF on Power Transition in Argentina
10.45 a 11.15 hs.
Coffee break
11.15 a 11.30 hs.
Argentine Market. Report on Challenges on Wind Power Development in Argentina
11.30 a 11.45 hs.
Renewable Energies in the Argentine Economy
11.45 a 12.45 hs.
Political Session 1: The Vision of Wind Power in the Power Policy Programs in Argentina
12.45 a 14.30 hs.
14.30 a 15.15 hs.
General Overview: Decarbonization of Economy and Power Transition: the role of Wind Power by 2030
15.15 a 16.00 hs.
Vision of Technology vendors for wind power
16.00 a 16.45 hs.
Investment Performance and Project Funding of RenovAR and Mater Programs
16.45 a 17.45 hs.
Social-economic Returns. Wind Generation Local Impact: Evolution and pending needs
DAY 2 - Thursday 5 September
9.30 a 10.15 hs.
Technology: Evolution of wind technology to maximize network integration
10.15 a 11.00 hs.
Networks: Solutions to optimize leveraging of network infrastructures with ee.rr.
11.00 a 11.20 hs.
Coffee break
11.20 a 12.00 hs.
Commercialization: Long term contracting of green energy supply
12.00 a 12.45 hs.
Experiences, challenges and realities of wind power generators
12.45 a 14.45 hs.
14.45 a 15.45 hs.
National power industry beyond 2025
15.45 a 16.15 hs.
Women contribution to sustainability
16.15 a 16.45 hs.
Development of Specialized Human Resources for a new industry
16.45 a 17.30 hs.
Political Overview: Wind power and social and economic returns in Argentina.
17.30 a 18.00 hs.