Call For Technical Abstracts
Send your abstract
Submission due date: 12 August
Argentina Wind Power is in its 2nd edition as the most influential event in the wind industry in the country in 2019 . It is co-organized by GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council), CEA (Cámara Eólica Argentina) and Grupo La Nación. It will be held on the 4th and 5th of September including tracks devoted to policy, market, strategic and technical issues related to this relevant industry.
The Call for Abstracts is now open, and the following topics will be of particular interest:
A. Relevant topics for Abstracts:
• Development of wind projects and state-of-the-art practices: special focus on EPC issues.
• Operation and maintenance of wind projects best practices and learnings: Big data management and power performance.
• Supply chain: growth and territorial implantation, logistical challenges and technological deployment.
• Design and innovation on wind projects and interaction between R&D and OEMs.
• Design and development of hybrid wind, solar and other technologies.
• Grid codes update and performance for electricity system management under large scale variable energy sources integration.
• Impact of transmission and distribution system reinforcement/expansion as an enabler of larger renewable energy installed capacity and minimization of conventional backup.
• Digitization and intelligent grids.
• Analysis of the socioeconomic returns of wind power investments for the community: examples and case studies.
B. Requirements for submission:
1. Deadlines for submission:
• 12 August 2019: deadline for submitting abstracts (or the full paper if possible).
• 14-20 August 2019: authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers.
2. Submission requirement:
• Abstracts can be written in English and/or Spanish. Full papers can also be written in English and/or Spanish.
• Author(s)’ bio(s) and contact information.
• Refer to the annex below for the submission required format.
3. How will the accepted papers be handled?
• Accepted papers will be available for downloading by AWP conference delegates; abstracts of the accepted paper will be uploaded to the AWP website and therefore accessible to the public.
• A selected number of authors will be invited to speak at relevant sessions of the conference.
• A selection of the accepted papers will be accepted as posters and placed in the designated Poster Area of the expo floor during AWP.
Abstract Format Requirement:
Paper topic: (Times New Roman, Font size 14)
Paper Author, Company, City, Postal code, email address.
Abstract: (Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 400 words)
Key words: (Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 5 words)
1. Page margins 2.5cm.
2. Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 6 pages.
3. Unit of measurement: SI units.
4. References should be listed alphabetically or numbered consecutively at the end of the paper.
5. The abstract and the paper should be submitted in Word format.
For further information: info@gwec.net
The Call for Abstracts is now open, and the following topics will be of particular interest:
A. Relevant topics for Abstracts:
• Development of wind projects and state-of-the-art practices: special focus on EPC issues.
• Operation and maintenance of wind projects best practices and learnings: Big data management and power performance.
• Supply chain: growth and territorial implantation, logistical challenges and technological deployment.
• Design and innovation on wind projects and interaction between R&D and OEMs.
• Design and development of hybrid wind, solar and other technologies.
• Grid codes update and performance for electricity system management under large scale variable energy sources integration.
• Impact of transmission and distribution system reinforcement/expansion as an enabler of larger renewable energy installed capacity and minimization of conventional backup.
• Digitization and intelligent grids.
• Analysis of the socioeconomic returns of wind power investments for the community: examples and case studies.
B. Requirements for submission:
1. Deadlines for submission:
• 12 August 2019: deadline for submitting abstracts (or the full paper if possible).
• 14-20 August 2019: authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers.
2. Submission requirement:
• Abstracts can be written in English and/or Spanish. Full papers can also be written in English and/or Spanish.
• Author(s)’ bio(s) and contact information.
• Refer to the annex below for the submission required format.
3. How will the accepted papers be handled?
• Accepted papers will be available for downloading by AWP conference delegates; abstracts of the accepted paper will be uploaded to the AWP website and therefore accessible to the public.
• A selected number of authors will be invited to speak at relevant sessions of the conference.
• A selection of the accepted papers will be accepted as posters and placed in the designated Poster Area of the expo floor during AWP.
Abstract Format Requirement:
Paper topic: (Times New Roman, Font size 14)
Paper Author, Company, City, Postal code, email address.
Abstract: (Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 400 words)
Key words: (Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 5 words)
1. Page margins 2.5cm.
2. Times New Roman, Font size 11, less than 6 pages.
3. Unit of measurement: SI units.
4. References should be listed alphabetically or numbered consecutively at the end of the paper.
5. The abstract and the paper should be submitted in Word format.
For further information: info@gwec.net